A server is a computer (program or device) which allows other programs or devices to function, which are called clients. It is different from a standard computer in that it is specialized to run servers on it, and that it is often more powerful and reliable than a standard (personal use) computer.
The tags needed are the table, tr, th, and td tags.
An iFrame allows you to display a second a second, different webpage within the main webpage, such as the scratch projects on my "Scratch" page.
The a tag defines a hyperlink, linking one page to another.
The tr tag defines a row of cells in a table
The cost of creating website varies widely depending on how large and in depth the company or individual wants their website to be. It can be anywhere from $4,000 for a small business website to $30,000 for a large-scale website, and even more depending on what the company or individual wants. Creating a website typically takes about 14 weeks.